I noticed these bikes a couple of weeks ago as I was riding to Acworth Beach and I thought they were so adorable-- they had the appropriate color and accessories for the holiday season and were sweetly romantic at the same time. I wasn't able to capture it in my first photo, but when riding by it almost looks like the his-and-her bikes dovetail into a heart-like shape.
Luckily, one of the bike owners, Cindy, was home when I rode by yesterday and I was able to come onto the porch and get some good shots of the bikes. She told me that her husband's bike was a new bike and hers was an old one. His head badge said, "Next," which I believe is a brand carried in Target stores. Her bike is an old Schwinn with skinny red tires that I would never have expected to see on a vintage bike. Both are single speeds. Cindy said they ride in warmer weather around the lake and that it is at that time of the year when you see most of the cyclists in town. She even said that there's a group--I don't know if it's an organized ride or a cycling club--that comes through the area every Summer.