Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Woods Are Lovely, Dark, And Deep

This trail provided a nice respite from riding on the sidewalk.

I broke about six rules--I have a hard time not talking to strangers. I'm glad I wasn't wearing headphones because that would've been a seventh violation. Considering the anti-headphones policy and the British media's demonization of iPod use while cycling maybe I should rethink new headphones for Xmas.

These wood aren't very deep, but they make a pretty picture don't they?

Today was a beautiful day for a bike ride--it was unseasonably warm with a bright blue sky and cool winds. The wind gusts were pretty forceful, but it was a practically perfect Fall day otherwise. I found a safe route to the park & ride and since Cobb County Transit has bike racks on their buses this could be a means for me to get into Atlanta more often. I also found a new trail, the Logan Farm Park Trail. Unfortunately, it's not very long at all, but it's nice while it lasts.


  1. Looks like a very pretty day for a ride in the woods. How does Brown Beauty like the trails?

  2. So far I've been on two paved trails and she's been fine even with all the leaves and pine needles on the ground.
